personality disorder, mental "disorder" or mental "illness" ?
It seems that thre are some "parish-pump
quarrel" to know if we have to qualify Borderline Personality Disorder
as a "mental disorder" or a "mental illness"
Here is our official position:
" We don't care ! "
What is important,
it's of course to relieve suffering of people who have this "thing" (replace
with the appropriate word) and that's all !
In reality, it is
wrong to say that we don't care because some peoples use the "disorder"
word to minimize the importance of the illness (oops, I wrote "illness"...
what clumsy person I am)
What they say
Well, this was our "for fun" answer
But here is
what nwe found in several web sites
NIMH - American
National Institure of Mental Health
(“Borderline Personality Disorder,
Raising questions, finding answers”, National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) 2OO1)
"Borderline personality disorder
(BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized
by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image,
and behavior. "
(http://www.bpdcentral .com/resources/ basics/myths.shtml)
"... More than three hundred
research studies and three thousand clinical papers provide ample
evidence that BPD is a valid, diagnosable psychiatric illness."
APA - American
psychiatric association
"What is Mental Illness ?
Mental illness is an illness that
affects or is manifested in a person's brain. It may impact on the way
a person thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people.
The term "mental
illness" actually encompasses numerous psychiatric disorders...
Recognized mental illnesses
are described and categorized in the book Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. This
book is compiled by the American Psychiatric Association and updated periodically
...Some of
the more commonly known psychiatric disorders are depression; manic depression
(also known as bipolar disorder); anxiety disorders, ...and
personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder"
"Experienced symptoms of a
mental illness known as borderline personality disorder"
TARA - Association
tara apd
"These people suffer from Borderline
Personality Disorder (BPD), a severe, painful, persistent, and disabling
mental illness."
NMHA - National
Mental Health Association
"There is Hope
The more
you learn about personality disorders the more you will understand that
they are illnesses, with causes and treatments.
People can improve with proper care"
NAMI - National
Alliance for the Mentally Ill-The Nation's Voice on Mental Illness
( NavigationMenu/ Inform_Yourself/ About_Mental_Illness/ About_Mental_Illness .htm)
illnesses include such disorders as schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic and other severe anxiety disorders,
autism and pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder, borderline personality disorder,
and other severe and persistent mental illnesses that affect the brain"
Canadien - Rapport sur les maladies mentales au Canada
Mental illnesses
take many forms. This report includes:
Mood disorders,
Schizophrenia, Anxiety disorders, Personality
disorders, Eating disorders"
Syndicat des
Psychiatres Français
(http://psychiatrie /Actualite_ professionnelle/2003/exercice _psychiatrique .htm)
"...Le psychiatre
est compétent pour la prise en charge de tous les troubles impliquant
le psychisme. Sa compétence regroupe donc deux domaines : d'une
part celui de la psychopathologie, c'est-à-dire l'ensemble
des maladies mentales avérées et sévères(psychoses,
de la personnalité, états-limites,
névroses décompensées, etc.)
et, d'autre part, celui de la souffrance psychique..."
About the influence
of axis ? (please read DSM
Could we say that
BPD would be a disorder and not an illness because it is in the DSM axis
II ?
The personality disorders
made their first appearance in the DSM III (if I'm not mistaken).
The intentions of the authors were to emphasize separately disorders which
passed often unnoticed, some clinicians concentrating then on more traditional
diseases like depressions, anxious disorders, etc... The goal was
thus to point out the importance of personality disorder diagnoses (axis
II) in addition to the axis I diagnoses
Then, certain clinicians
started to look at personality disorders as "additional" disorders, "not
really diseases" whereas it is the opposite in the DSM spirit
Because of this drift, it
is beside planned to reintegrate personality disorders in axis I for the
future DSM V
"The coding of personality
disorders into axis II does not mean that their pathogenesis or the choice
of the suitable treatment is basically different from those of the disorders
coded on axis I" (extracted the DSM IV)
(In connection with the
personality disorders).
"Although classified as
mental disorders they may be classified separately and distinguished from
the Axis I Clinical Syndromes for some purposes." (behavenet)
"Personality disorders are
clinical syndromes which have a more long lasting symptoms and encompass
the individual's way of interacting with the world. They include
Paranoid, Antisocial, and Borderline Personality Disorders" (
AAPEL point of
view (in french)
Nos recherches nous permettent donc
d'affirmer sans le moindre doute que :
Le trouble de
la personnalité borderline est une maladie grave mais / et qui se
Cette maladie a de plus probablement
des origines génétiques et biologiques (données)
Les malades ont pour la plupart besoin
de médicaments, certains
parfois même toute leur vie comme un diabétique, pour soulager
les divers symptômes et bien sur d'une thérapie
Grave notamment du fait de la souffrance
engendrée mais aussi du taux de suicide
important comme cela est confirmé par de très nombreuses
Mais quand bien même le terme "réel
vrai juste" ne serait pas "maladie" (et on se demande bien pourquoi
alors qu'elle est justement cataloguée dans les maladies mentales).
Nous pensons qu'il est dangereux de véhiculer l'idée
que ce "trouble" pourrait ne pas être une "maladie" mais juste un
En effet, cette maladie souffre déjà
du fait qu'elle a été qualifiée d'état "limite",
ce qui a fait dire à certains "incultes" ou incompétents
par manque de formation que le trouble était
à la
limite entre une maladie et l'absence de maladie (personne bien
portante), alors que les "découvreurs" voulaient dire "la limite
entre 2 maladies". A noter que la définition entre névrose
et psychose ne répond plus aux spécificités de
la psychiatrie moderne
Si en plus on se met à propager
l'idée que cette "maladie" n'est qu'un "trouble", alors on ne fait
que donner du grain à moudre à tous les "c..s" qui disent
- "Le trouble borderline n'existe
pas" ou
- "Nous sommes tous borderline" ou
- "La maladie mentale n'existe pas"
- "Il ne faut pas enfermer l'être
humain dans un carcan réducteur qui ne peut que nuire à l'essence
globale de son moi et de son équilibre psychosensoriel de son karma
intérieur etc"
Si ces gens là ont raison, alors
vous ne devriez jamais aller voir un docteur en médecine (psychiatre)
car de sa formation il est là pour soigner des "maladies" (voir
du médecin).
... Et la prochaine fois que vous
voyez votre médecin de famille, faites en sorte qu'il ne vous dise
pas que vous avez une grippe ou une angine car cela est trop "réducteur",
il vous parlera sans doute d'équilibre rompu et vous proposera la
méditation pour en guérir !
Après tout, pourquoi pas !!
Si ça vous fait du bien !!
Il n'y a strictement aucune honte
à être malade, nous avons tous le droit d'être malade
et ce n'est nullement de notre faute
You could read pages Statistic,
myth and reality but also "droit
à la dignité"
- Back to BPD summary page
All the information
in this site is aimed at helping people understand a "rather particular"
and puzzling kind of disease
But more especially,
to support everyone affected by it, sick or not. In any case, it
to see a therapist who specialises in this
field they can confirm or give an alternative diagnosis
The name of what
you’ve got doesn’t matter so much, getting the right treatment for the
right patient does
last update 2020
(creation july 9rth 2004)
- All rights reserved
Alain Tortosa, founder of the Aapel